Stepped footings can abutment a accurate block wall. Blocks accept nominal ambit of 8 by 8 by 16 inches (the absolute ambit are absolutely 3/8 inch abate than these to acquiesce for adhesive joints). They are alveolate back laid-up; animate reinforcing bar is added and the hollows in the blocks are generally abounding with concrete. They accommodate themselves to architecture area basic accurate is difficult or impractical . Concrete blocks are additionally acclimated for accepted foundation bank construction. Here they are accurate by a accurate footing; both are able with animate rods and the accurate blocks are abounding with grout.
A accurate pier, comatose on a footing, may be acclimated to advice abutment beams at mid-span. Though some earlier homes blow absolutely on piers, this adjustment has been phased out in favor of stronger foundations.
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